Working Out in the Morning 3 Benefits

For many people, exercising first thing in the morning is the best way to make sure that their workouts happen. After all, the evening is often packed with events and commitments, making it harder to fit in a sweat session.

But even those who swear by the sunset sweat can benefit from a switch to morning exercise, as new research indicates it may be better for their health. Here are 3 reasons to consider resetting your alarm clock for the first time this year:

1. Wake Up With More Energy

When you work out in the morning, you’re more likely to stick with your fitness routine—and you’ll feel great for the rest of the day too. A recent study found that working out in the morning helped to improve appetite control, daily food choices and overall adherence to fitness goals.

2. Boost Alertness

Morning workouts offer an instant boost to your brain function. When you exercise, oxygen and nutrients rush to your brain, and this helps improve mental clarity, focus and stamina. Morning exercise also helps to reduce fatigue and improve sleep quality, which can improve your mental and physical performance throughout the day.

3. Burn More Calories

Researchers at the University of Tsukuba found that people who exercised in the morning burned more calories throughout the day than those who worked out at other times. They attributed the result to the fact that early exercise increased their heart rate, which increases metabolism and burns more fat. Another reason to work out in the morning is that it’s easier to get it done before other commitments and distractions can interfere. “Often, once the day gets in the way of a workout, it’s difficult to catch up later,” says corrective exercise specialist and trainer Tatiana Lampa.

4. Have a Better Body Image

If you’re worried about your appearance, the jolt from a morning workout can help boost your confidence and self-esteem. Exercise can also stimulate the production of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, while lowering cortisol levels—which can have a negative impact on your physique.

5. Sleep Better

Getting enough Zzz’s is crucial to maintaining your physical fitness. Insufficient sleep can lead to poor coordination, endurance and muscle strength, which can make a workout seem more challenging and increase your risk of injury. And, of course, a lack of sleep can also affect your immune system and cause you to feel more lethargic, which can make it harder to get out of bed for a morning workout.

If you’re hesitant to start your day with the gym, try easing into it by waking up just 20 minutes earlier for a few days or weeks. Then, work back up to the full hour of sweat you’re aiming for. Recruiting a buddy to join you can also be helpful, as it will hold you accountable and make it more fun. And remember: consistency is more important than the time of day you choose to workout.

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