Whether you’re trying to lose weight or tone up, burning calories is an important aspect of any exercise routine. But not all exercises burn the same amount of calories, so it’s essential to find a workout that fits your specific fitness goals and needs. The most efficient way to burn calories is to engage the most muscles at one time, so it’s no surprise that exercises like running or HIIT burn more calories than lower-impact exercises such as walking.
The Mayo Clinic, which drew on research published by the National Institutes of Health, compiled data that lists 36 popular forms of exercise by their estimated caloric impact. While exact figures will vary depending on body type, age, and intensity of the workout, these numbers can give you an idea of which exercises might be best for your fitness goals.
If you’re looking for a workout that’s low-impact but effective at burning calories, consider dancing or taking up a new martial art. Whether you prefer the energy of hip-hop or the grace of ballet, both of these types of cardio exercises will help to burn calories while you’re having fun and socializing with friends.
A good old-fashioned jog is another classic calorie-burning exercise that can be done either outdoors or on a treadmill. But for those who want to ramp up their calorie-burning potential, try adding intervals of faster sprints or incline runs to your workout routine.
Another great calorie-burning exercise is cycling, which can be done both indoors and outdoors. The number of calories you’ll burn while riding your bike will depend on the intensity of your ride, the speed at which you ride, and your body weight.
Lifting weights is an excellent strength-training exercise that also helps to burn calories. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will use at rest. However, if you’re not interested in hitting the gym for an intense weight-lifting session, you can still get a decent calorie-burn by doing simple weight training at home.
If you’re more into a high-intensity workout, take up a dance class or try HIIT training. HIIT workouts combine bursts of intense activity with periods of rest, so they’re effective at raising your heart rate quickly while targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This is an ideal form of workout if you’re short on time or prefer to avoid high-impact exercises. HIIT is also known to boost your metabolism afterward, helping you burn more calories at rest.
Milena Estêvão is a YouTuber passionate about sharing her experiences (challenges, successes and motivations) in the fitness activities she is involved in.